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Сведения о публикации (76450)

Краткое библиографическое описание издания, в котором впервые был опубликован документ

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# Значение Количество
1401 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). 1944. Vol. IV. Washington, 1966. Р. 923-924. 1
1402 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). 1944. Vol. IV. Washington, 1966. Р. 988-990. 1
1403 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). 1944. Vol. IV. Washington, 1966. Р. 992-996. 1
1404 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). 1945. Vol. V. Washington, 1967. Р. 849. 1
1405 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). 1945. Vol. V. Washington, 1967. Р. 853-854. 1
1406 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). 1945. Vol. V. Washington, 1967. Р. 944. 1
1407 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). The Conferences at Cairo and Tehran, 1943. Washington, 1961. Р. 47-48. 1
1408 Foreign relations of the United States (FRUS). The Conferences at Washington and Quebec, 1943. Washington, 1970. Р. 624-627. 1
1409 Foreign Relations of the United States (далее - FRUS). The Conference of Berlin (the Potsdam Conference), 1945: Vol. II. Washington (D. C.), 1960. P. 396-397. 1
1410 Foreign relations of the United States diplomatic papers (далее-FRUS), 1943. Vol. Ill: The British Commonwealth, Eastern Europe, the Far East. Washington, 1963. R 590-592. Англ. язык. 1
1411 Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 25-26. 1
1412 Foreign Relations of the United States. 1938. Washington, 1955. Vol. 1. P. 705. 1
1413 Foreign Relations of the United States. 1939, vol. I, p. 664-665. 1
1414 Foreign Relations of the United States. 1941. Vol. 1. Washington, 1958. P. 692. 1
1415 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers 1939. Washington, 1956, vol. 1, p. 225-226. 1
1416 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers 1939. Washington, 1956, vol. 1, p. 240-241. 1
1417 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers 1939. Washington, 1956, vol. 1, p. 83. 1
1418 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers 1941. Washington, 1958. Vol. I. P. 766-767. 1
1419 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers, 1933. Washington, 1949. Vol. II, p. 804. 1
1420 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers, The Soviet Union 1933-1939, New York, 1952, p. 37. 1
1421 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers, vol. II, p. 814. 1
1422 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers, vol. II, pp. 805-806. 1
1423 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers, vol. II, pp. 810-812. 1
1424 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers, vol. II, pp. 812-814. 1
1425 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1934. Washington, 1951, v. 1, p. 516, 517. 1
1426 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1938, vol. III. Washington, 1954, p. 403-406. 1
1427 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1938, Washington, 1954, vol. III, p. 318-320. 1
1428 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 184-185. 1
1429 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 193-194. 1
1430 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 234-235. 1
1431 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 236. 1
1432 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 240. 1
1433 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 294. 1
1434 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 96-97. 1
1435 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939. vol. 1. Washington, 1956, p. 672-673. 1
1436 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939. Vol. I. Washington. 1956. P. 234-235. 1
1437 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939. Vol. I. Washington. 1956. P. 236. 1
1438 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939. Vol. I. Washington. 1956. P. 240. 1
1439 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939. Vol. I. Washington. 1956. P. 25-26. 1
1440 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939. Vol. I. Washington. 1956. P. 96-97. 1
1441 Foreign relations of the United States. Diplomatic papers. 1941. Vol. I. The Soviet Union. P. 766. 767. 1
1442 Foreign relations of the United States. Diplomatic papers. 1941. Vol. I. The Soviet Union. Washington, 1959. P. 764-766. 1
1443 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers. 1941. Vol. I. Washington, 1958. P. 766-767. 1
1444 Foreign relations of the United States. Diplomatic papers. The Soviet Union, 1933-1939. Washington, 1952. P. 542-551. 1
1445 Foreign Relations of the United States. Diplomatic Papers», vol. II, pp. 807-810. 1
1446 Foreign Relations of the United. States. Diplomatic Papers, 1945, vol. II. Washington, 1960, p. 1540-1542. 1
1447 Foreign Relations of the United. States. Diplomatic Papers. 1939, vol. I. Washington, 1956, p. 672-673 1
1448 Forradalom, Иркутск, № 12, 15 мая 1920 г. 1
1449 Forradalom, Иркутск, № 3, 13 марта 1920 г. 1
1450 Forradalom, Омск, № 12, 1 мая 1918 г. 1
1451 Forradalom, Омск, № 6, 17 марта 1918 г. 1
1452 Forradalom, Омск, № 7, 24 марта 1918 г. 1
1453 Forschungen zur Osteuropaischen Geschichte, Bd. 2. Berlin, 1955, S. 329-331. 1
1454 Förster W. Ein General kämpft gegen den Krieg. Aus den nachgelassenen Papieren des Generalstabschefs Ludwig Beck. München, 1949. S. 82-87, 90, 91. 1
1455 Förster W. Ein General kämpft gegen den Krieg. Aus den nachgelassenen Papieren des Generalstabschefs Ludwig Beck. München, 1949. S. 99-107. 1
1456 Foucher de Careil. Oeuvres de Leibniz, publies pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits originaux, t. VII. Leibniz et les Academies. Leibniz et Pierre le Grand. Paris, 1875, p. 553—554. 1
1457 Francis D.R. Russia from the American Embassy. April, 1916-November, 1918. New York, 1921, p. 303. 1
1458 Francis D.R. Russia from the American Embassy. April. 1916-November, 1918. New York. 1921, pp. 304-305. 1
1459 Freiheit, № 330, 14. 8. 1920. 1
1460 Fritz Thissen, I Paid Hitler, London - New York, 1941, p. 71, 72. 1
1461 From Hitler's Doorstep: The Wartime intelligence Reports of Allen Dulles, 1942-1945 / Ed. bу N.Н. Petersen. University Park, 1996. Р. 131-132. 1
1462 From Hitler's Doorstep: The Wartime intelligence Reports оf Allen Dulles, 1942-1945 / Ed. bу N.Н. Petersen. University Park, 1996. Р. 30. 1
1463 FRUS . Japan. 1931-1941 .Vol. I. Р. 396. 1
1464 FRUS 1939. General. Vol. I. Р. 1008-1009. 1
1465 FRUS 1939. General. Vol. I. Р. 975-976. 1
1466 FRUS, 1946. Vol. X. Far East. China. Wash., 1972. P. 369-370. 1
1467 FRUS. 1935. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 455-459. 1
1468 FRUS. 1935. Vol. III. Р. 456. 1
1469 FRUS. 1937. The Far East. Vol. IV. P.45-46. 1
1470 FRUS. 1937. VoI. IV. The Far East. P. 12-13. 1
1471 FRUS. 1937. Vol. 3. The Far East. P. 235-236. 1
1472 FRUS. 1937. Vol. 3. The Far East. P. 236-237. 1
1473 FRUS. 1937. Vol. 3. The Far East. P. 256-258. 1
1474 FRUS. 1937. Vol. I. The Far East. Р. 697-699. 1
1475 FRUS. 1937. Vol. III. The Far East. F. 566-568. . 1
1476 FRUS. 1937. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 498-499. 1
1477 FRUS. 1937. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 532-533. 1
1478 FRUS. 1937. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 537-540. 1
1479 FRUS. 1937. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 652-656. 1
1480 FRUS. 1937. Vol. III. The Far East. Р. 277. 1
1481 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. China. P. 199-200. 1
1482 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. China. P. 505-507. . 1
1483 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 16. 1
1484 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 18-19. . 1
1485 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 198-199. 1
1486 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 40-41. . 1
1487 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 41-42. 1
1488 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 420-423. 1
1489 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 46. 1
1490 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 48-50. . 1
1491 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 58. . 1
1492 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 59-61. . 1
1493 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 6-7. 1
1494 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. P. 62-63. . 1
1495 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. Р. 17. 1
1496 FRUS. 1937. Vol. IV. The Far East. Р. 59. . 1
1497 FRUS. 1938. Vol. III. The Far East P.137. . 1
1498 FRUS. 1938. Vol. III. The Far East. P 437. . 1
1499 FRUS. 1938. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 119-121. . 1
1500 FRUS. 1938. Vol. III. The Far East. P. 126-127. . 1
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